एईआरबी का लक्ष्य यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि भारत में आयनीकारक विकिरण तथा नाभिकीय ऊर्जा के कारण लोगों के स्वास्थ्य एवं पर्यावरण को किसी भी प्रकार का अवांछित जोखिम न हो ।


Financial grant for organising conferences and workshops

Applications received for seminars are scrutinized by a committee set up for this purpose. AERB extends financial support to organizations and institutes to organize conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops on safety related topics. These technical events encourage interaction among scientists and promote interdisciplinary collaboration, an essential factor in promoting radiological, industrial and nuclear safety. Publications from these events are normally made available in electronic form to all participants and also on websites to ensure online availability all over the country to a wider section of professionals.

The conveners of national/international conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops may submit an application to AERB for funding as per given format (Annexure-XII of CSRP Brochure). On approval by the committees the grant amount and the information on the same are issued and communicated to the applicant convener. The convener in turn has to submit the claim form (for further processing.

Support is generally extended in the form of co-sponsorship with other agencies. The requests for such support have to reach Director, R&DD at least two months before the event for anticipatory support. After communicating the approval of the grant and receipt of claim form (Annexure-XIII of CSRP Brochure) from convener, AERB releases the seminar grants generally 45 days before the event.

AERB funding is subject to the following conditions:

  • At least two representatives from AERB, as communicated by AERB, will be allowed to attend technical event free of charge.
  • A copy of the proceedings of the technical event must be supplied free of charge to the AERB Library.
  • Utilization certificate(Annexure – VIII of CSRP Brochure)/audited statement of accounts should be submitted to Pay & Accounts Officer, AERB, with a copy to Member Secretary, CSRP within one month after the completion of event.


AERB supports the research projects on topics related to nuclear, industrial and radiation safety. Investigations on topics related to (a) safety aspects of nuclear technology including civil and structural engineering (b) front end and back end fuel cycle issues (c) industrial safety in nuclear and allied installations and (d) safety aspects of radiation applications in agriculture, industry, medicine and research, are considered for support. Please click here to see the list of topics of interest (Annexure – XVI of CSRP Brochure).

Areas of Interest to AERB

Studies in some areas are of special interest to AERB. Some of these areas are indicated in the following list.

  • Safety in application of nuclear and radiation facilities
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Transport of Radioactive material
  • Radioactive Waste Management
  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Spent Fuel Storage
  • Reactor Physics
  • Thermal Hydraulics/Fluid Structure Interactions in PHWRs, LWRs and FBRs under Accident Conditions
  • Medical/ Industrial Applications of Radiation
  • Applied Metallurgy/Radio metallurgy
  • Fire and Industrial Safety
  • Use of Radiation Sources for Research Purposes
  • Effective Use of Information Technology for Regulatory Activities
  • Radiobiology/Radiation Dosimetry/Radiation Protection
  • Applied Chemistry in Nuclear Industry
  • Safety Evaluation Methodology
  • Front and Backend Fuel Cycle Facilities
  • Occupational Health and Environmental Safety

विजिटर काउण्ट: 4800034

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