The mission of the AERB is to ensure the use of ionising radiation and nuclear energy in India does not cause undue risk to the health of people and the environment.

Regional Regulatory Centers


  • Regulatory inspection of  nuclear & radiation facilities in the respective region including special and surprise inspection.
  • Reviews related to consenting process of radiation facilities and the excessive exposure cases in the radiation facilities in respective regions,

Eastern Regional Regulatory Centre (ERRC)

Atomic Energy Regulatory Board
AMD-AERB Bhavan,
IIIB/4, Newtown,
West Bengal


Northern Regional Regulatory Centre (NRRC)

Atomic Energy Regulatory Board
C/o Uranium Corporation of India Ltd. (UCIL),
2nd Floor, Core-1, Scope Minar, Laxmi Nagar District Centre,
New Delhi-110092


Southern Regional Regulatory Centre (SRRC)

Atomic Energy Regulatory Board
DAE Nodal Centre,
Rajendra Prasad Road,
Cantonment Pallavaram,
Chennai – 600043
Tamil Nadu

+91 44 2987 2196 /
    +91 44 2987 2550

Visitor Count: 5037825

Last updated date:

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Frequently Visited

Office Address

Atomic Energy Regulatory Board

Niyamak Bhavan, Anushaktinagar

Mumbai-400094 India

Office Time

9.15 Hrs to 17.45 Hrs - Monday to Friday

List of Public Holidays