The mission of the AERB is to ensure the use of ionising radiation and nuclear energy in India does not cause undue risk to the health of people and the environment.

Regulatory process

Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) regulates nuclear & radiation facilities and activities to ensure that the use of ionizing radiation and nuclear energy in India does not cause undue risk to health and the environment.

AERB also administers industrial safety in the units of DAE.

AERB regulates spectrum of facilities and activities ranging from Nuclear Power Plants, Nuclear Fuel Cycle, particle accelerator etc. to medical X-rays, nucleonic gauges etc. The facilities and activities vary in numbers as well as their spread across the country.

AERB makes use of various regulatory processes to discharge its responsibilities in an effective manner. These processes ensure use of graded approach for efficient regulation. The major processes are:
  1. Development of safety requirements and guidance for utilities and users
  2. Licensing process for various facilities and activities based on safety requirements and guidance
  3. Regulatory inspections for checking compliance with license conditions as well as safety requirements

AERB takes into organizational experience, and other related feedbacks/ inputs from national and international resources etc. to assess and further evolve its processes.

AERB has the powers to enforce requirements and provisions of the Rules where Chairman, AERB is identified as the competent authority.

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Office Address

Atomic Energy Regulatory Board

Niyamak Bhavan, Anushaktinagar

Mumbai-400094 India

Office Time

9.15 Hrs to 17.45 Hrs - Monday to Friday

List of Public Holidays