The mission of the AERB is to ensure the use of ionising radiation and nuclear energy in India does not cause undue risk to the health of people and the environment.

Silver Jubilee Book

AERB was established on 15th Nov 1983 with the mission to ensure that the use of ionizing radiation and nuclear energy in India does not cause unacceptable impact on the health of workers and members of the public and on the environment. AERB celebrated its silver jubilee year from November 2007 to November 2008. To mark the beginning of the silver jubilee year, a function was organized on November 23, 2007. Dr. Anil Kakodkar, Chairman, AEC was the Chief Guest. Apart from the addresses by the luminaries, the "AERB Code of Ethics" and a "Monograph on Probabilistic Safety Assessment" prepared by AERB staff were released on this occasion. Various events were planned as part of silver jubilee year celebration. The silver jubilee year celebration ended with organisation of the IAEA International Conference on Topical Issues in Nuclear Installation Safety, during Nov. 17-21, 2008. A book on historical aspects of AERB has been released on the Silver Jubilee Day. Following are the links to the chapters in the Silver Jubilee Book.

Click here for full version of the AERB Silver Jubilee Book [4.59 MB]

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Atomic Energy Regulatory Board

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Mumbai-400094 India

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