एईआरबी का लक्ष्य यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि भारत में आयनीकारक विकिरण तथा नाभिकीय ऊर्जा के कारण लोगों के स्वास्थ्य एवं पर्यावरण को किसी भी प्रकार का अवांछित जोखिम न हो ।


General Guidelines


Please click here to know about E-LORA.

A user can login to e-LORA page by clicking on the following link:

E-LORA - Electronic Licensing of Radiation Applications system

This e-governance system has all the guidelines available to the user who are interested to use it for licensing/registering radiation application devices/facilities or individuals. For submitting any request for consenting/no objection certificates/registration one has to register first through the registration forms provided on the e-LORA login page.

Radiation professional can register themselves by using the form provided in the e-LORA system directly.



Please click here to know about eLORA.

A user can login to eLORA page by clicking on the following link:

eLORA - Electronic Licensing of Radiation Applications system

This e-governance system has all the guidelines available to the user who are interested to use it for licensing/registering radiation application devices/facilities or individuals. For submitting any request for consenting/no objection certificates/registration one has to register first through the registration forms provided on the eLORA login page.

Radiation professional can register themselves by using the form provided in the e-LORA system directly.

विजिटर काउण्ट: 4800033

Last updated date:

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अक्सर देखे गए

कार्यालय का पता

परमाणु ऊर्जा नियामक परिषद, नियामक भवन अणुशक्तिनगर,, मुंबई 400094, भारत,

कार्य का समय
9:15 से 17:45 – सोमवार से शुक्रवार

वर्ष के सार्वजनिक अवकाशों की सूची